I love you so very much. I am sorry that I have neglected you for my own personal enjoyment. This year I vow to use you so much more. To become your best friend, to know you inside and out. To get back to my roots and not use outer lighting so much. I promise to capture the most gorgeous and captivating images. I promise to capture not only other people's moments, but so many more of mine. How is it that I own you and I never really take time to just gather those memories of my own family? I know, I take a bazillion pictures, but I want even more! I promise to use you. To make the most of you. I do not want you to feel neglected anymore. And if the fates allow, I will save up all my pennies to buy you some new glass wear this coming fall. I know how badly your eyes need them :D
Thanks for always being there for me. This year I will be here for YOU.
With all my love and adoration,
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!